BS PD CEN/TS 17709:2022 Plant biostimulants. Determination of Azotobacter spp. standard by BSI Group, 06/28/2022
BS PD CEN/TS 17772:2022 Organic and organo-mineral fertilizers. Determination of specific parameters standard by BSI Group, 06/27/2022
BS PD CEN/TS 17770:2022 Organic and organo-mineral fertilizers. Determination of the total content of specific elements by ICP-AES after digestion by aqua regia standard by BSI Group, 06/27/2022
BS PD CEN/TR 17797:2022 Gas infrastructure - Consequences of hydrogen in the gas infrastructure and identification of related standardisation need in the scope of CEN/TC 234 standard by BSI Group, 06/27/2022
BS PD CEN/TS 17774:2022 Organic and organo-mineral fertilizers. Determination of the content of specific elements by ICP-AES after extraction by water standard by BSI Group, 06/27/2022
BS PD CEN/TS 17704:2022 Plant biostimulants. Determination of dry matter standard by BSI Group, 06/27/2022
BS PD CEN/TS 17703:2022 Plant biostimulants. Determination of chromium(VI) standard by BSI Group, 06/27/2022
BS PD CEN/TS 17701-3:2022 Plant biostimulants. Determination of specific elements-Determination of mercury standard by BSI Group, 06/27/2022
BS PD IEC TR 60919-3:2009+A2:2021 Performance of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems with line-commutated converters-Dynamic conditions standard by BSI Group, 06/24/2022
BS PD CEN/TS 17778:2022 Organic and organo-mineral fertilizers. Determination of the chromium (VI) content by chromotography standard by BSI Group, 06/24/2022
BS PD CEN/TS 17725:2022 Plant biostimulants. Determination of the quantity (indicated by mass or volume) standard by BSI Group, 06/24/2022
BS PD CEN/TS 17779:2022 Organo-mineral fertilizers - Extraction of phosphorus, which is soluble in neutral ammonium citrate standard by BSI Group, 06/22/2022