19/30350791 DC BS ISO 21895. Categorization and classification of civil unmanned aircraft systems
19/30365493 DC BS ISO 22182. Geotextiles and geotextile-related products. Determination of abrasion resistance characteristics under wet conditions for hydraulic applications
19/30363786 DC BS ISO 12176-5. Plastics pipes and fittings. Equipment for fusion jointing polyethylene systems partTitleEN sectionTitleEN
19/30363853 DC BS ISO 22031. Sampling and test method for cleanable filter media taken from filters of systems in operation
19/30328260 DC BS ISO 2859-4. Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes - Part 4. Procedures for assessment of declared quality levels
19/30345056 DC BS 7883. Personal fall protection equipment. Anchor systems. System design, installation and inspection. Code of practice partTitleEN sectionTitleEN
BS IEC 62629-12-2:2019 3D display devices - Measuring methods for stereoscopic displays using glasses. Motion blur
19/30364834 DC BS ISO 22888. Railway applications. Guideline for planning of operational concepts earthquake events partTitleEN sectionTitleEN
19/30349603 DC BS EN ISO 20127. Dentistry. Physical properties of powered toothbrushes partTitleEN sectionTitleEN
19/30364182 DC BS EN ISO 22598. Dentistry. Colour tabs for intraoral tooth colour determination
19/30362300 DC BS EN ISO 15098. Dentistry. Dental tweezers
19/30354915 DC BS ISO 14649-17. Industrial automation systems and integration. Physical device control. Data model for computerized numerical controllers partTitleEN sectionTitleEN